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To empower people with practical skills, tools and support so that they may manage their addictive behaviour and lead satisfying and meaningful lives.
UK SMART Recovery (UKSR) is a registered charity which promotes choice in recovery through a national network of mutual-aid meetings and online training programmes with comprehensive teaching materials and manuals. Our Programme teaches rational, easy to learn and self-empowering skills to help participants abstain from any addictive behaviour and to develop a lifestyle that supports sustained recovery.
To empower people with practical skills, tools and support so that they may manage their addictive behaviour and lead satisfying and meaningful lives.
Through our Partnership Scheme, we work with most medium to large treatment providers across the UK as well as prisons, probation, rehab facilities, NHS and supported housing services. SMART Recovery Champions have helped to grow peer led SMART Recovery meetings, which in turn have helped their service users sustain the recovery gains they achieve within the treatment services.
The organisation is a Charitable Company, Registered with the Charity Commission 1160516 and Office of the Scottish Charity Regulator SC046247. The charity operates under its’ Articles of Association and a Memorandum of Agreement incorporated on 18 September 2014 and is governed by a Board of Volunteer Trustees. The Board of Trustees serve in a voluntary capacity and are drawn from various backgrounds to provide the expertise needed to guide the charity. Trustees meet regularly to guide the development, make strategic and policy decision, hold the Executive Director and staff accountable and manage any major risks to which the charity may be exposed. The Chair of the Trustee Board manages the Executive Director, to whom some powers are delegated to ensure the smooth running of the organisation. The Executive Director manages the staff team, meeting individuals regularly for supervision sessions and annual performance reviews. The staff manage volunteers, providing guidance, training and support as necessary. Our Central Office is located in Manchester and is run by the Business Manager with admin support.
A strategy review has been undertaken. Here is the final document that outlines our strategic objectives over the next few years.
UK SMART Recovery is committed to our meetings being safe, supportive and as effective as possible. We train and support meeting Facilitators and provide a range of materials to keep things on track, though as with any organisation, things can go wrong. This page describes how we handle concerns or complaints about any SMART Recovery meeting, volunteer or member of staff.
There are now over 3,000 weekly meetings worldwide with SMART Recovery groups in 20 different countries and growing.
In 2018 SMART Recovery International was formed to: – • Create a strategy to grow SMART worldwide • Ensure the integrity of SMART Programme as it expands into numerous countries • Oversee the develoment and integrity of training for meeting facilitators worldwide. • Establish a global IT infrastructure and digital social media presence. • Co-ordinate research into SMART by providing a forum for addiction scientists and treatment professionals to collaborate and learn how it works and how to improve the programme. • Align the branding, marketing and fundraising to support SMART Recovery globally.
To provide programmes that are accessible worldwide to diverse cultures and people speaking different languages so that the SMART Recovery approach and empower individuals to gain independence from addictive behaviour and lead fulfilling and balanced lives.
To provide worldwide oversight and support to SMART Recovery operations in all member countries and to foster the development of operations in new locations to grow the number of meetings and programmes.
SMART Recovery flourishes worldwide.
More information available on the SMART Recovery International website SMART Recovery International