Weekly Bulletin 08/08/2024

Welcome to our next Weekly Bulletin. If you would like us to include something on our weekly news, please get in touch by emailing [email protected].

SMART Recovery Volunteer Recognition Awards

We’re delighted to invite you to our first-ever virtual SMART Recovery UK and Ireland Volunteer Recognition Awards Ceremony on Monday, 30th September 2024 at 19:00 – 20.30 (UK local time).  SMART Recovery UK and Ireland is really looking forward to celebrating and showing our gratitude to the amazing people who make our SMART Recovery community so strong and so vibrant.  To join us, please register here – https://us06web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_PB2we7yrT3uWZOqegT6o5g (please note: there is a limited number of spaces so please book early to avoid disappointment).  This event is sponsored by Start360.

During the ceremony, SMART Recovery UK and Ireland will recognise your achievements and your dedication of empowering people to change their lives and transforming the conversation around recovery and addictive behaviours over the past year.  We will also announce the winners in the four awards categories:

  • Significant Achievement Award. This category is for someone who has accomplished a significant achievement in the last year, such as running their 1000th meeting.  It could be someone who has set up a new, successful SMART Recovery meeting or someone who demonstrates excellence in the development of peer facilitators.
  • Volunteer of the Year Award. This category is for someone who provides an expectational level of service and dedication to SMART Recovery and the SMART community.
  • Ambassador Award. This category is a special recognition for a team, recovery service, or individual who is contributing significantly to the SMART community.
  • Campaigner of the Year Award. This category is for someone who stands out in promoting SMART Recovery through social or traditional media, at events and in their local community and/or someone who drives fundraising efforts.

To learn more about the SMART Recovery UK and Ireland Volunteer Recognition Awards and to book your place, visit https://smartrecovery.org.uk/awards/

We hope to see you there!

SMART Recovery Tool Time Workshops

‼️ Reminder for everyone who would like to attend ‼️ Come along and join us for a block of workshops! Link below: 

For anyone who would like to brush up on facilitator skills, anyone interested in becoming a facilitator or just to share with other facilitators how you deliver the SMART Recovery program. 

Topic: UK SMART Recovery UK’s Zoom Meeting national workshop 

Time: Mondays @11am. Fridays @10.30am 

Join Zoom Meeting https://us06web.zoom.us/j/89262737259?pwd=WFVqbkNQRmdUb0xvWXNXUmZoWjFLZz09 

Meeting ID: 892 6273 7259 

Passcode: 695686 

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