Weekly Bulletin 14/03/2024


Welcome to our next Weekly Bulletin. If you would like us to include something on our weekly news, please get in touch by emailing [email protected].

Motiv8 Isle of Man Celebrate 10 Years Partnership

CEO of SMART Recovery®, Dr Charlie Orton, visited the team at Motiv8 in Douglas last month to celebrate 10 years of partnership. 

Motiv8 is a Manx registered charity, dedicated to providing support for anyone impacted by addiction here on the Isle of Man. Alongside Motiv8’s one-to-one counselling, they have a thriving group work programme – the SMART Recovery® Programme has been an integral part of Motiv8’s offering since September 2013. 

For more information on this partnership, please see here – https://www.gov.im/categories/health-and-wellbeing/news/?altTemplate=ViewCategorisedNews&id=164425

New Meetings

New Weekly SMART Recovery Meeting, Port Glasgow

Other News

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