Weekly Bulletin 05/10/2023


Welcome to our next Weekly Bulletin. If you would like us to include something on our weekly news, please get in touch by emailing [email protected].


We are happy to confirm that our new meeting finder has now gone live. Pathminder can be found here.

For more information on our system, how it differs from our old system and other information, please check last week’s new release here.

Please note, any old links to meetings no longer work.

Volunteer Recognition Scheme

Brandon Block was super excited to announce the launch of our new Volunteer Recognition Scheme on International Recovery Day!!

We will keep you up to date on how it works and how to nominate.

New Meetings

New Family and Friends Meeting, Dalkeith

Other News

We are recruiting Weekly Bulletin 20/12/2024 Weekly Bulletin 12/12/2024 Festive Meetings 2024 Weekly Bulletin 05/12/2024