Weekly Bulletin 15/06/2023


Welcome to our next Weekly Bulletin. If you would like us to include something on our weekly news, please get in touch by emailing [email protected].

SMART Recovery Newsletter

Please find a copy of UK SMART Recovery’s newsletter for Summer 2023 below.

Online Meetings

Please note that the Friday Online Meeting at 8am will be cancelled on Friday 16th June.

SMART Recovery International’s first Global Survey is now live!

As per last week, the survey is still live. Sadly we have not had many people complete it yet. If you use SMART Recovery please complete this essential survey as it will only come round once per year. We need as many UK participants to complete it as possible as want to be able to publish the results! This is a crucial first ever research driven participant survey. SMART Recovery is working with a team of researchers who are keen to understand more about who attends groups, how people feel about attending, the goals they set themselves and the ways that SMART Recovery may or may not be helpful.

The study involves a one-off survey that should only take around 30 minutes to complete.

If you might be interested in sharing your experience, this flyer gives a bit more info and a link to the survey. Have a look, see what you think and feel free to contact the researchers with any questions you might have.

Link to Survey: https://uow.au1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_72jqpZLOvMPCEVo

New Meetings

New Weekly SMART Recovery Meeting, Trafford

New Weekly Veterans Only SMART Recovery Meeting, Westfield

New Weekly SMART Recovery Meeting, Swansea

New Weekly SMART Recovery Meeting, North Berwick

Other News

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