Weekly Bulletin 26/05/2023


Welcome to our next Weekly Bulletin. If you would like us to include something on our weekly news, please get in touch by emailing [email protected].

Unite for Recovery Campaign

Our Unite For Recovery Campaign will be coming to a close next week. However it’s still not too late to either sign up or donate!

Please sign up here to help with our campaign. You don’t have to raise any money, you can just help us reach our target! If you’d rather just donate, you can do this by donating here.

Smoking Survey

SMART Recovery International and Peter Kelly, Chair of our GRAC is leading a study to examine the attitudes and perspectives of SMART Recovery facilitators towards addressing smoking cessation as part of SMART Recovery. His team have developed a survey and it would be great if you could help us by completing the survey.

You can read more about it here: SMART Recovery International Survey – Tobacco Treatment | QuestionPro Survey

New Meetings

New Weekly SMART Recovery Meeting, Birmingham

Another New Weekly SMART Recovery Meeting, Birmingham

New Weekly Family and Friends Meeting, Maidstone

Other News

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