Weekly Bulletin 29/07/2022


Welcome to our next Weekly Bulletin. If you would like us to include something on our weekly news, please get in touch by emailing [email protected]. This weeks latest news is….

Are you a current qualified SMART Recovery facilitator? We are looking for people who are able to facilitate a meeting at short notice. If you are able to help, please email [email protected] who will add you to a mailing list. When emailing, if you can indicate days and times you would be available, that would be a big help. This will enable us to continue meetings during holidays or unplanned issues like sickness.

A facilitator local to Cardiff is hoping to set up a meeting and would like a co-facilitator to help support and run the meeting with them. If you would like to assist, please email [email protected] and he will put you in touch with the facilitator.

UK SMART Recovery receives a £96,000 grant to continue the development of a SMART Recovery Veterans Programme in Scotland.

We are delighted to announce the receipt of significant funding by way of a Local Support Fund Grant provided by the Corra Foundation Scotland. A total of £96,000 over 2 years will enable us to continue the development of our SMART Veterans Programme. It is the continuation of a project that started 12 months ago to deliver an addiction recovery programme for veterans. The first year has seen significant uptake a spread, the programme is delivered in 3 veteran residences, in the community and online. Veterans from all 3 military services access the meetings and 5 are becoming SMART Facilitators. A new Handbook will be published soon. The extension of the award includes the employment of 2 veterans and will result in a new SMART addiction recovery programme based on our 4-point programme, tailored to the needs of veterans specifically. It will be fully adopted into the SMART Recovery portfolio of licensed programmes and will include an additional training module for facilitators and specific materials by way of a bespoke Facilitator Manual and associated Participant Notebook. Over the next two years we will also be evaluating the outcomes and impact of the programme with a view to upscaling it significantly. By collaborating with providers of services used by veterans in Scotland including organisations that form the criminal justice system we will be able to provide a national addiction recovery network for veterans. To hear about recent activity and our ongoing work in this area please follow the SMART Veterans Twitter account https://twitter.com/SMARTveteransuk and Johnny Allison on LinkedIn   https://www.linkedin.com/in/johnny-allison-a8a8ab61/   For more information about the Corra Foundation please visit the website  https://www.corra.scot/

World Drug Report 2022 is published.

The United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime has published the 2022 World Drug Report and it can be found here: https://www.unodc.org/unodc/en/data-and-analysis/world-drug-report-2022.html

The ISSUP provide a handy overview of the highlights of the report here: https://www.issup.net/about-issup/news/2022-06/unodc-world-drug-report-2022-highlights

The report analyses the trends in global drug use, the demographics associated with different types of drug and the potential policy implications. For anyone interested in global or European drugs trends and the emerging of government and service policies this is the go to report to read.

Scottish Recovery Walk 2022

The Scottish Recovery Consortium have announced that Recovery Walk Scotland this year will be held in Paisley on Saturday 24th September. We are happy to our that our CEO Dr Charlie Orton will be attending the walk and will be bringing the rest of her team, Angie, Tina, Matt, Kelly, Jeni and Johnny. Pop over and say hello if you see us!

Graham, North Wales Community Co-ordinator would like to let you know about the two following events which are upcoming in North Wales

New SMART Recovery Meeting on Mondays, Brighton

New SMART Recovery Meeting on Fridays, Brighton

New SMART Recovery Meeting, Luton

New SMART Recovery Meeting, Bridlington

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