Online Workshops

SMART Facilitator?
Come and join us for a tool time workshop! Bring your cuppa and brush up on your tool skills!
Week 1 will be to go over the structure of a meeting and point 1 of the program.
Week 2: point 2 of the program
Week 3: point 3 of the program
Week 4: point 4 of the program and we will go over some issues that you may come across in your meeting.
This is open to the whole of the UK! It would be fab to hear how you use the tools and share ideas!
May be an image of text that says "SMART Recovery® Life beyond addiction Online workshop 15th October @10.30 Running for 4 weeks Invited! Youire Meeting ID:89262737259 8926273 7259 passcode: 695686"

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