Appointment of New Chief Executive Officer (Update)

Appointment of New Chief Executive Officer (Update)

Following an organizational restructure in June 2020 Dr Charlie Orton, Ph.D., was appointed as UK SMART Recovery’s new Chief Executive Officer in August 2020.

Charlie’s appointment is a clear reflection of UK SMART Recovery’s vision: ready to take on the future as a progressive and modern organisation, with a focus on growth across both public and private sectors holding innovation and sustainability at the core of our mission.

Charlie brings twenty years’ experience as a driven and inspirational leader at the forefront of transforming the health landscape. She has led and managed partnerships, within and between, the NHS, academia, and businesses in the pharmaceutical and digital sectors in the field of research and innovation.

In the weeks Charlie has been in post it has become apparent to the Board, and to the organisation’s staff, that she has a unique ability at combining astute strategic management and leadership with an open and inclusive style.

Following her appointment Charlie said “I am delighted to be leading UK SMART Recovery at such an important time in the Charity’s history. In my short time here, I have been overwhelmed by the collective altruistic drive of the whole organization (both in the UK and overseas). It is clear that a huge amount of potential is ready to be liberated through the process of operationalizing our renewed 3-year strategy that focuses on innovation, growth and expansion. It is my aim to enable UK SMART Recovery to reach its fullest potential. If I were to sum up SMART Recovery in a few words it would be: An inspirational addiction recovery charity, achieving exceptional outcomes for remarkable people who are ready to use the power of choice.

Charlie will prove to be a leader capable of embodying values centred around helping, creating, empowerment and excellence which are at the core of UK SMART Recovery’s renewed mission.

Welcome Charlie!

Professor Marcantonio Spada

Chair of the Board of Trustees and on behalf of the Board of Trustees

UK SMART Recovery

28th September 2020

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